Monday, October 19, 2009

It's supposed to be top secret, but since you are family & friends, we wanted you to be in the know - the Super Friends' Hall of Justice has been relocated to Rhode Island!

They go by many names & disguises...

...but they have one mission: blast the bad guys! KA-POW!

Um, Q, we know you're supposed to be in disguise, but that binky is a dead giveaway!

When not fighting crime, our heroes find other things to occupy their time, like riding tractors,

playing with umbrellas on sunny days,

cleaning their hands with a vacuum,

and searching for the perfect pumpkin (always better with a brownie in hand - and mouth!).

"I do want strong bones, Mom, but I don't know about eating this broccoli stuff."

"But playing with it is a whole different story! It's better than a new toy!"

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Hooray! The Corteses are back! Mommy finally has a new camera and can't stop taking pics of her beautiful boys.
Look at this face. Quinton just had his 18 month check-up. He weighs 25 lbs, is 31.5 inches tall and is "developmentally way ahead of the curve," says our doc. And don't we know it - he has a large vocabulary, is putting together sentences, and can count to two.

Last weekend we went apple picking in NH. Quin discovered these tiny little sour apples that were just his size.

Do you think I have enough, Mommy?

Holding hands in the orchard.

Jackson gets some comfort from a bink and Pop.

Pop makes funny noises!

We also went to our first tractor pull last weekend. What a sight!

Quin got hungry and needed a little snack.

Natural-born climbers - they must get that from Uncle Luke.

Who needs a swingset? Just give these boys a pile of hay and they are happy.

We always have a good time in NH!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Star Wars Day at McCoy Stadium!

Jackson was a very lucky boy today! He got to meet a bunch of cool Star Wars guys!
Like Stormtroopers...


More Stormtroopers (who even let him touch their laser blasters!)...


More Stormtroopers...

And more Stormtroopers with even cooler blasters...

And, his most favorite - Darth Vader himself! Jack was thrilled!

Chewbacca was there too, but Jack found him a little intimidating.

Who's that lurking behind you, Jack? You better get out your lightsaber!

We even watched a little baseball. Go PawSox!

But nothing will ever beat meeting Darth Vader in person!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lovin' Spring Time!

We've been spending as much time as possible outside these days -
Taking nature walks with best buddy Xandra.

Lounging with neighbor Riley.

Watching airplanes fly overhead (Quin's favorite thing).

Visiting Audubon (as this little boy approached from across the field, Jack yelled out a friendly "Hi!" Then he put his arm across his brother's shoulder and shouted, "Baby Quin cute!!" Our visitor didn't seem as excited about that as Jack.

On really hot days (90 degrees in April??), we play in the pool...

...and in nice, cool mud!

Sometimes we play indoors too. Trying on other people's shoes is especially entertaining.

Trying out every chair in the house is also fun.

And Quin's favorite game - putting things on our heads!

Such a clown!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today is Quin's First Birthday and he had a very special day full of fun things!
We went to Abington, where he got to ride in a firetruck around and around and around and around!

He got to play with balloons, banging on them, batting them around and even trying to eat them!

He wore an Elmo party hat for a whole two minutes!

He tried ice cream cake for the very first time and loved it!

He got to play with bubbles, one of his most favorite things in the world!

He got cool presents from Auntie Joey, Cousin Heather and Cousin Chris!

And oh yeah, Jack and Xandra were there too.

Happy Birthday Quin!